
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Good resilience properties
  • Easily bend as per hull radius
  • Easy to install and requires low maintenance


  • All type of Tug Boats
  • Pontoon protection
  • Floating structure protection
  • Fishing Work boats

Lion Tug Cylindrical Fenders are used as pushing fender on the bow or stern of tugboats. The entire Fendering systems are assembled with connection plug & end plugs. Lion Tug Cylindrical Fenders can be easily mounted on the hull of the ship with the help of longitudinal chain and is known as suspended installation and is also additionally supplemented by webbing straps preferably nylon make or steeled chains which fit in special grooves provided therein. The ends of the fender can be tapered to get a body blend connection to the hull of the vessel. The dimensions of Fenders are shown in table.

Vessel Fender
Type øD ød P Q (max) S øU øV
LTCY 250 250 125 200 570 500 190 75
LTCY 300 300 150 225 600 700 225 75
LTCY 380 380 190 280 650 800 280 100
LTCY 400 400 200 300 670 800 300 100
LTCY 450 450 225 300 700 850 350 100
LTCY 500 500 250 300 730 900 375 100
LTCY 600 600 300 350 800 900 450 125
LTCY 800 800 400 350 930 1000 600 125
LTCY 900 900 450 350 1000 1100 675 150
LTCY 1000 1000 500 350 1060 1200 750 150
  • All above dimensions are in mm. Above data is for reference purpose only.
  • Any customized Project & Product requirements can be catered by Lion Rubber’s Design & Development Team.
  • All grade Fender performance are available on request.

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