
  • Extra groove structure
  • Good wear resistance
  • Strong attachment to Tug
  • Soft & Flexible


  • All type of tugs
  • Ocean going tugs

Lion M Type fenders are installed on to the bow and the aft portions of Ocean going tugs, to product the hull of the vessel, against damages caused during pushing and pulling operations / towage. These fenders are installed in similar manner as those of key Hole Fenders.

Type H A B øC D E L max FLAT BAR PIN DIA. R (min)
LM 200 200 400 40 23 50 150 2000 100 X 15 20 450
LM 250 250 500 50 27 60 190 2000 125 X 20 24 550
LM 300 300 600 60 33 70 230 2000 150 X 20 30 650
LM 400 400 800 80 44 95 305 2100 150 X 20 40 900
  • All above dimensions are in mm. Above data is for reference purpose only.
  • Any customized Project & Product requirements can be catered by Lion Rubber’s Design & Development Team.
  • All grade Fender performance are available on request.